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Campfire baked sweet potatoes

by Naturopathes de La Boite à Grains 25 Apr 2024
Patates douces garnies sur feu de camp - La Boite à Grains

A veggie camping meal around the campfire

When camping, the campfire is a unifying and convivial element. While the days are filled with adventure on the water or in the forest, the evenings are relaxing and peaceful by the fire.

The campfire not only warms and brings campers together, it can also act as a cooking device for a real wilderness camping experience.

Here's an easy vegetarian recipe that requires little preparation, no utensils and versatile ingredients.

So get the fire going - this campfire sweet potato recipe calls for a nice, hot ember!

Serves : 4 stuffed sweet potatoes

Preparation : 10 minutes

Cooking time : 30 minutes


4 medium sweet potatoes

olive oil

Aluminum foil

Choice of toppings :

Black beans*

Diced tomatoes

Avocado, diced

Sour cream (vegan or dairy)

Sliced green onions

Corn kernels


  1. Prepare campfire.
  2. Wash whole sweet potatoes, moisten and brush skins with olive oil.
  3. Wrap sweet potatoes in aluminum foil.
  4. Using long tongs or branches, place wrapped potatoes on red coals.
  5. Bake for 30 minutes, turning potatoes halfway through cooking.
  6. Remove sweet potatoes from coals and poke to check for doneness.
  7. Unwrap sweet potatoes. Let cool for 10 minutes before cutting lengthwise.
  8. Stuff the sweet potatoes with whatever toppings you have on hand, including black beans, tomatoes, avocado, shallots, corn kernels, sour cream, etc.
  9. Eat immediately, with or without utensils.

*If using canned goods, make sure you have a can opener handy.


Happy camping!

About the author

Naturopaths of La Boite à Grains

Team of licensed and certified naturopaths (ND) in Gatineau, Outaouais.

Original article written by Véronique Cousineau, Naturopath


La Boite à Grains

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