Digestive enzymes: the key to better digestion? – La Boite à Grains
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Digestive enzymes: the key to better digestion?

by La Boite à Grains 03 Dec 2024 0 comments
enzymes digestives - La Boite à Grains

Digestion converts the food we eat into nutrients, which are then absorbed by our digestive system. Through food, the body obtains micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and trace elements) and macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and lipids) that are essential to our health.

This food bolus, transformed by digestion gives the body the energy and nutrients it needs to develop and renew its billions of cells.1, 6, 7

All biological reactions within human cells depend on enzymes.

The role of digestive enzymes

Digestive enzymes are endogenous, i.e. they are produced directly by the body and act as specific catalysts (facilitators). They activate reactions according to their role. They break down food into the small molecules we eat, making it easier to assimilate..1, 6, 7

A little anatomy

First of all, enzymatic activity begins while we're cooking our food, or at the first signal of hunger. As we chew our food, our saliva activates ptyalin (amylase), the enzyme that promotes the digestion of starch, which begins in the mouth and undertakes the long journey through the digestive system.

Several organs and systems are involved in this process. Once food has been properly chewed, it travels down the esophagus to the stomach, where a nervous reflex triggers the secretion of digestive juices. The stomach's main function is to initiate protein digestion by hydrochloric acid and proteolytic enzymes (pepsin), which break down the bolus of food into smaller molecules (amino acids), propelled by peristaltic movements towards the intestine. This stage lasts from 1 to 4 hours, and takes place in a highly acidic environment.

Slowly but surely, the stomach delivers this mush called chyme to the intestine (lipase, maltase, peptidases). At the same time, the pancreas kicks in, releasing enzymes (amylase, trypsin, chymotrypsin, lipase) while the liver keeps the bile flowing. The flow of pancreatic and hepatic juices transforms the acidic chyme in the stomach into alkaline chyle in the small intestine, where nutrients pass through the microvilli via the blood and lymph, carrying this nutrition to its destination throughout the body.

Complete digestion takes between 3 and 10 hours. The intestine performs three vital functions: it completes the digestion of food prepared by the stomach; it ensures that digested food is absorbed by the body; and it eliminates unabsorbable or unabsorbed matter through defecation..1, 6, 7

The 3 keys to good digestion

Good digestion means having a digestive system capable of transforming ingested food into nutrients that are qualitatively and quantitatively suitable for absorption and assimilation.

Good absorptionmeans having a gastric mucosa, and above all an intestinal mucosa, capable of ensuring the passage of nutrients into the blood and lymph, in a form suitable for assimilation.

Good assimilationmeans having an organism capable of ensuring that all nutrients reach their destination "in due form"..1, 6, 7

Did you know that digestion is associated with the parasympathetic nervous system? In fact, the parasympathetic nervous system prepares the body to conserve energy, by promoting rest and digestion, intestinal motility, cardiac relaxation and more.

Today, in our modern lifestyle where eating is done while working, cell phone in hand, it's our sympathetic nervous system that dominates, the one opposed to digestion. The sympathetic nervous system is the one that prepares us for action, increasing our heart rate, speeding up our breathing, stimulating our metabolism and thus hindering our digestion.

The digestive system is our hardest-working system. At every moment, it breaks down food, distributes nutrients into energy and eliminates waste. It maintains the balance of stomach acidity and body alkalinity by producing the enzymes needed to digest nutrients..8

Digestion problems: why?

  • Our food choices (junk food, overcooked and/or reheated foods) influence our digestion.
  • Hearty meals
  • Chronic stress, fatigue and anxiety
  • Poor and/or inadequate chewing
  • Certain medications
  • Aging
  • Consumption of soft drinks
  • Alcohol abuse

Symptoms of poor digestion 

One in three Canadians suffers from a digestive problem.3

  • Gastric reflux
  • Gas and bloating
  • Flatulence
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Intestinal irregularity
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Food intolerances or allergies
  • Inflammation
  • Permeable intestine
  • Intestinal dysbiosis
  • Nausea
  • Increased inflammation and risk of chronic disease.3, 4, 5, 9

Focus on gastric reflux

People often interpret gastric reflux as an abundance of acid. In fact, this acidity rises into the esophagus due to a lack of acidity. The stomach secretes a liquid called "hydrochloric acid", a highly acidic liquid responsible for breaking down the proteins in our food.

When hydrochloric acid is abundant for the food consumed, the cardia, that efficient sphincter, closes tightly. On the other hand, if the stomach's acidity is deficient for the reasons given above (inhibition of gastric juice secretion), then the sphincter, the cardia, will remain open and create acid rises known as gastric or esophageal reflux..10

It's important to know what causes gastric reflux.

  • Malfunction of the esophageal sphincter, the cardia
  • Chronic stress
  • Fatigue
  • Unsuitable diet
  • Excessive coffee consumption
  • Tobacco.10

The functions of hydrochloric acid

  • Hydrochloric acid in the stomach is our first immune barrier, so it's essential to protect this integrity against pathogens (bacteria).
  • It facilitates the flow of bile and pancreatic enzymes.
  • Activates digestive enzymes, including the conversion of pepsinogen to pepsin
  • Altering the pH or reducing this acid exposes the bacteria Helicobacter pylori to development.
  • Hydrochloric acid is essential for the absorption of proteins and minerals such as calcium and iron.
  • Zinc is a cofactor in the production of hydrochloric acid.
  • Stress is the enemy of digestion.10

Signs of hydrochloric acid deficiency

  • Bloating, belching, heartburn, flatulence immediately after meals
  • Slow digestion
  • Diarrhea and constipation
  • Poor digestion, diarrhea, constipation
  • Chronic candidiasis
  • Stomach pain
  • Fatigue after meals.10

Why take a digestive enzyme supplement?

For people with digestive problems who digest less and less well. Although enzymes are naturally produced by the body, we have seen in certain situations that the body cannot produce these enzymes, and that supplementing the body with them on a temporary basis can greatly help. Digestive enzymes can be part of the solution.

Digestive enzymes are proteins whose chemical reaction enables food to be digested. They break down food into fractions, so that it can be absorbed by the body..11

  Type of enzyme


  Proteolytic or protease

  Proteins, peptides


  Lipids, fats or triglycerides







 Simple sugars (glucose, fructose, galactose)






Proteolytic or protease

Digestion of large protein molecules is facilitated by proteases (proteolytic enzymes), which break them down into amino acids for absorption. So these small peptides won't cause digestive discomfort. 


Lipases are enzymes that break down lipids into fatty acids and glycerol, and support biliary and pancreatic functions.


Amylase is an enzyme that converts complex carbohydrates such as starch into simple sugars like glucose or maltose, which are easily assimilated by the body..11

Natural Factors enzymes

The Natural Factors company has formulated enzyme supplements to improve digestive quality, enhance the absorption process, boost vital energy, promote intestinal regularity, reduce the symptoms of food intolerance, regulate inflammation and more.

The enzymes used come from fermentation of bacteria, yeast, plant sources (pineapple and papaya) and animal sources (pancreatin (pork extract)).

Complete megazymes, an improved enzyme formula

Complete megazymes from Natural Factors is a combination of enzymes perfectly formulated for proper digestion of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and lipids) from plant and/or animal sources.

For example, it provides amylase to break down amylose, a starch found in carbohydrates and sugars, papain (source of papaya enzymes) to aid digestion of proteins, lipids and sugars, lipase to break down lipids for proper digestion of fats, proteases, which are stable in an acid environment, facilitating the digestion of proteins as soon as they pass through the stomach, and bromelain, derived from the pineapple stem, which helps the body to digest proteins, lipids and sugars.

In short, each food category has its own specific enzyme to make the ingested food assimilable.

This complete enzyme formula is suitable for all age groups.

Megazymes is a non-GMO vegetarian formula and its small tablets are easy to swallow..11, 12

Papaya enzymes

Papain, an enzyme extracted from papaya (Carica papaya). It is a valuable aid to the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, improving nutrient absorption, stimulating the appetite and relieving indigestion and heartburn.

In combination with bromelain, derived from the stem of the pineapple plant (Ananas comosus), it also helps digest proteins, lipids and sugars. Amylase, derived from Aspergillus oryzae, initiates a digestion process that breaks down amylose, a starch found in carbohydrates and sugars.

Papaya enzymes are crunchy, naturally flavored tablets..11, 14, 15

Highly effective multi-enzyme

Natural Factors Multi Enzyme is a unique vegetarian formula, ideal for accompanying a diet rich in plant foods and vegetable proteins. It includes fermentable foods (FODMAPs). It helps reduce flatulence and intestinal discomfort for people with intestinal sensitivities..11, 14, 15, 2, 17

This combination of enzymes acts in a similar way to pancreatic enzymes, promoting the digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. They act by supporting the normal digestive process.

Amylase breaks down amylose, a starch found in carbohydrates and sugars; cellulase helps break down cellulose (a plant fiber); lactase helps digest lactose, the milk sugar; maltase and sucrase break down maltose and sucrose, two sugars; lipase breaks down lipids; bromelain, derived from the pineapple stem, helps the body digest proteins, lipids and sugars; papain, an enzyme derived from papaya, helps digest proteins, lipids and sugars.

Multi Enzyme High Efficiency formula soothes symptoms such as gas, bloating and heartburn.

There are no known contraindications, and it is recommended to take these enzymes before or during meals..11, 13

Betaine hydrochloride with fenugreek

Age, stress and fatigue are all important factors which lead to a reduction in gastric acid production, thereby reducing the efficiency of digestion and absorption of nutrients from the diet. With this product, which helps to promote good digestion, Betaine hydrochloride with fenugreek is effective in increasing stomach acidity for food decomposition, improving digestive functions while stimulating digestive enzyme secretions. It also helps reduce digestive inflammation.

This formula is contraindicated in cases of peptic ulcer, excess gastric acid, digestive medication, high cholesterol or diabetes..11, 16

In conclusion

To digest well :

  • Sitting down to eat
  • Chew well
  • Put utensils down between bites
  • Avoid eating in front of the computer, with your cell phone in hand, or while working or driving.

Enzymes help stimulate beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract, detoxify and cleanse the colon, and improve digestion.

In conclusion, the act of eating is just one of the four parts of nutrition, which includes digestion, absorption and assimilation. As in nutrition, as in everything else, it's the end that crowns the work, and it's assimilation that makes it all worthwhile.

Take care of your digestive health with digestive enzymes!

About the author

Marie Couture, Certified Naturopath

Specialized in :

  • Digestive disorders
  • Inflammation
  • Hormonal problems
  • Stress management

References :

  1. Chaput Dr. Marcel, L'école de la santéLes Éditions du jour, Inc. 1969, 172 pages
  1. Baribeau Hélène, The FODMAP diet, an ally for intestinal healthLa semaine santé, No.26. Page 56
  1. Turcotte Annie, Diseases of the intestine, Les maladies de l'intestinLa semaine santé, No.26. Page 10
  1. Turcotte Annie, Bloating, La semaine santé, No.26. Page 30
  1. Turcotte Annie, Diarrhea and constipation, La semaine santé, No.26. Page 30
  1. https://www.passeportsante.net/fr/Actualites/Dossiers/DossierComplexe.aspx?doc=fonctionnement-appareil-digestion
  1. https://www.noovomoi.ca/vivre/sante/macronutriments-proteines-glucides-lipides.html
  1. https://healthfirstnetwork.ca/fr/blog/nerf-vague-un-nerf-important-pour-une-bonne-digestion/
  1. https://www.biron.com/fr/centre-du-savoir/petit-guide-biron/troubles-digestifs/
  1. https://anaq.ca/habitudes-de-vie/comprendre-lhypochlorhydrie/
  1. https://www.medecinsfrancophones.ca/des-enzymes-pour-soulager-vos-problemes-de-digestion/
  1. https://laboiteagrains.com/products/megaenzymes-completes-natural-factors
  1. https://laboiteagrains.com/products/multi-enzyme-haute-efficacite-natural-factors
  1. https://laboiteagrains.com/products/enzyme-de-papaye-natural-factors
  1. https://www.santeenvrac.com/fr/Produit-39-Natural-Factors-Enzymes-de-papaye-60-capsules
  1. https://laboiteagrains.com/products/chlorhydrate-de-betaine-avec-fenugrec-natural-factors
  1. https://www.nutergia.com/fr/fr/conseils-bien-etre/les-fodmaps-des-aliments-a-eviter#:~:text=La%20liste%20(forc%C3%A9ment%20incompl%C3%A8te)%20des%20glucides%20f

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