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The 10 Best Vegetable Protein Powders [2024]

by Naturopathes de La Boite à Grains 05 Jun 2024
Les 10 Meilleures Protéines Végétales en Poudre [2024] - La Boite à Grains

In the rows of natural health products, the protein powder aisle always seems to contain more varieties. Vegetable protein powders have become true health allies. They provide a healthy meal, a sustaining snack and a dietary supplement of choice. While most vegetable powders share the common feature of featuring quality grains, seeds and legumes, each formula is distinguished by its unique components.

To help you choose, here are the 10 best vegetable protein powders of 2024.

Fermented Plant Protein from Genuine Health

This organic plant protein made from yellow peas, brown rice, hemp, pumpkin seed, linseed, mung bean and spirulina, is fermented.

Fermentation of the ingredients ensures that the plant protein is properly digested, so that it nourishes the intestine and is perfectly digestible. In fact, fermenting grains and legumes eliminates anti-nutrients such as phytates and lignans, which are responsible for the digestive discomfort associated with the consumption of plant proteins. In addition to eliminating these undesirable substances, fermentation improves assimilation of the amino acids, minerals and other nutrients contained in this protein powder.

In short, fermentation creates bioactive nutrients that are well utilized and metabolized by the body, while supporting digestive health.

This plant protein is the perfect addition to smoothies, as a snack replacement, and can be used in muffin, cake and dessert recipes to enhance their nutritional value.

Available in the following flavours: UnflavoredVanilla and Chocolate.

Whole Earth & Sea vegetable protein green food

With an impressive list of ingredients carefully selected for their therapeutic properties, vegetable protein from Whole Earth & Sea is everything you need for a healthy body.

Vegetable protein made from peas, rice, quinoa, amaranth and hemp is enhanced with organic, fermented superfoods. These include wheatgrass, alfalfa sprout, parsley, coriander, black radish, cranberry and West Indian cherry. The blend of plant proteins and herbs also includes medicinal mushrooms that confer health-giving properties. adaptogenic properties to this plant powder.

This plant-based protein is perfect for those who want a formula that includes protein, green foods and fermented, organic adaptogens to support the body in all its functions. It's the perfect protein powder to consume during a detox cure.

Available in Unflavored.

Manitoba Harvest vegetable protein with hemp

La hemp protein powder Manitoba Harvest hemp protein powder is a hypoallergenic option ideal for people with sensitive digestion who avoid grains and legumes, or who follow a no-cook, no-animal-protein diet. It's also a flavor- and sweetener-free option, perfect for those looking for a neutral-flavored protein. This hemp protein provides an excellent source of protein and fiber, while being naturally rich in omegas 3 and 6.

It's perfect in smoothies, yogurts and raw desserts.

Botanica's perfect anti-inflammatory plant protein

It's well known that diet is a factor in reducing or exacerbating inflammation. This vegetable protein Botanica's blend of sprouted and fermented ingredients, including brown rice, quinoa and coconut, offers phyto-nutrients that fight inflammation.

Turmeric and pepper have a synergistic anti-inflammatory action that soothes pain and reduces inflammation. Ginger is a powerful antioxidant that combats pro-inflammatory molecules, while moringa alkalinizes the body's pH, creating an inhospitable environment for inflammation.

This perfect plant protein is ideal for people who suffer from inflammatory disorders (arthritis, osteoarthritis, etc.) and want to incorporate healthy foods that can fight inflammation. 

Vega plant protein and energy

This vegetable protein from Vega includes pea protein, medium-chain triglycerides, maca powder and caffeine.

This protein offers those who don't take the time to breakfast a range of ingredients to get the day off to a good start. Medium-chain triglycerides stabilize concentration, mood and appetite, while maca and caffeine support energy and brain function. Maca is also a powerful adaptogen that contributes to hormonal health.

For those who experience a drop in energy in the afternoon, a dose of this plant protein will support you by boosting energy, focus and mood.

VegiDay All-In-One Plus plant-based protein

When you don't have time to make an elaborate smoothie, the all-in-one protein from VegiDay is just the thing. This plant-based protein with peas, sprouted brown rice, pumpkin, quinoa, chlorella and spirulina includes a blend of 26 fruits and vegetables as well as a complete multivitamin.

By adding a quality fat such as almond butter, MCT oil or ½ avocado to this protein powder, you'll get a complete, supportive and nourishing meal.

Available in the following flavors: French Vanilla and Decadent Chocolate and Nature.

Raw Fit protein from Garden of Life

Perfect for workout enthusiasts who want to build muscle mass, this raw vegetable protein from Garden of Life includes everything you need to support weight loss while maximizing muscle definition.

Ashwagandha, chromium, green coffee bean and Svetol provide this blend with a supplement that boosts athletic performance. Containing just 1 gram of sugar, Raw Fit protein helps the body burn fat as an energy source while preventing additional fat storage.

Includes flaxseed, probiotics and prebiotics, Raw Fit also addresses intestinal health and promotes a healthy ecosystem, which in turn supports a healthy weight.

Raw Fit is the protein of choice for those seeking to lose weight and achieve overall good health.

Available in the following flavours: Chocolate.

Athlete's Blend vegetable protein from Iron Vegan

Athlete's Blend is perfect for workout enthusiasts looking for a creamy, 100% natural, fermented protein powder that promotes muscle recovery while minimizing the effects of post-workout oxidative stress.

Featuring fermented l-glutamine and BCAAs (valine, leucine, isoleucine), the Athlete's Blend protein contains natural anti-inflammatories and mild stimulants such as taurine and beet powder.

This protein powder is perfect for endurance athletes who want to maximize recovery and minimize injury.

Available in the following flavors: Vanilla and Chocolate and Unflavored.

Raw vegetable protein from Garden of Life

Every raw vegetable protein contains 27.7 grams of protein. This nutrient density is made possible by a blend of 14 sprouted organic legumes, seeds and grains, all grown in Canada.

To promote proper digestion, enzymes and probiotics are added to the protein powder. This ensures proper digestion of the protein, while helping to maintain healthy intestinal flora.

This protein is perfect for older people who eat little, as well as those with a protein deficiency accompanied by fragile digestion.

Available in the following flavours: NatureVanilla and Chocolate.

Vega rest and repair plant protein

This brand-new product is made from pea protein, brown rice and pumpkin seeds. Enhanced with amino acids, melatonin, coconut cream and monk fruit, this plant-based powder was created as a late-night snack. 

Ideal for late-night athletes, this plant-based protein complex is enhanced with magnesium and melatonin to facilitate restful sleep.

This plant protein is also perfect for people who skip meals or have a calorie deficit at the end of the day. One portion of this Vega product helps address protein deficiencies during the day, while promoting good sleep and preventing night-time awakenings due to cravings and blood sugar irregularities.

Available in the following flavors: Vanilla and caramelStrawberry and chocolate.

Try a plant-based protein powder today. These health allies will help you achieve your goals. Whether it's fitness, weight loss, balanced nutrition, muscle mass gain or something else, plant-based protein powder can help you achieve better health.

About the author

Naturopaths of La Boite à Grains

Team of licensed and certified naturopaths (ND) in Gatineau, Outaouais.

Original article written by Véronique Cousineau, Naturopath


La Boite à Grains

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