A pillar of our Aylmer store, Daniel has been with the branch for over thirteen years. After a successful career in retail, he joined Sol Épicerie Santé and then, in fact, Sol Épicerie Santé. La Boite à Grains when the store was acquired in 2020.
As a grocery clerk, Daniel got to know our customers' habits and sins. Today, he's introducing you to his favorite product, Latina's unemployed maple pudding.
Why Latina's unemployed pudding?
It's an iconic dessert, but not so easy to make. We recently launched products from the Latina company à La Boite à Grainsand I can say that they really know their stuff. Their unemployed maple pudding is delicious.
Do you have any tips to share?
Just reheat it slightly and enjoy. It's a real treat.
I'd also like to mention another Latina specialty that I really enjoy, ribs with homemade BBQ sauce. I can't recommend their products enough.
Let's talk about food in general. What does healthy eating mean to you?
Not unemployed pudding or ribs every day, don't worry! Although I think it's important to indulge once in a while.
I do most of my grocery shopping at La Boite à GrainsI do most of my grocery shopping at my local grocery store, which allows me to enjoy healthy products made with natural and organic ingredients. I rely on variety.
Do you have any healthy habits to share?
For a long time, I was an active field hockey player. A little less recently, but I'm planning to get back into it, to teach the sport to my grandson.
Thank you, Daniel, for sharing your passion with us!

Latina Maple Unemployed Pudding

It's a no-brainer for Latina with this delicious chômeur pudding, made with 100% natural ingredients and masterful execution.
The Quebec company Latina offers a selection of soups, sauces, meals and desserts in returnable Mason jars. You are invited to return them to the store, where they will be sterilized and reused, to limit packaging and protect the environment.
Discover our maple chômeur pudding in store and learn more here.
1 comment
Je tiens à souligner les excellents services de Daniel!! Gardez-le longtemps!!!!