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104.7 FM Health Capsule: Depression in Men

by La Boite à Grains 05 Jun 2024 0 comments

In her health column, our naturopath Renée Jean talks about depression in men. According to some studies, about a quarter of adults in Quebec experience stress on a daily basis. For some, this accumulated stress can turn into depression. Renée Jean gives some tips on how to spot the symptoms, and presents some interesting products to alleviate them.


How to recognize symptoms

Impatience, irritability, abnormal behavior outside work, repeated episodes of anger... These are just some of the alarming symptoms that can indicate depression in men, especially if they occur over an extended period of at least two weeks.

The importance of good sleep

To restore balance and avoid prolonging the downward spiral of depression, a good night's sleep is extremely important. If you find it difficult to fall asleep, or if your stress levels are too high, certain natural products can provide invaluable help.

Recommended products

- Somerol by Nutripur

- Relax-LT by Nutripur


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