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104.7 FM Health Capsule: Eating Habits

by La Boite à Grains 05 Jun 2024 0 comments

Advice on healthy eating habits is the theme of this Health Capsule. Our naturopath Renée Jean discusses the benefits of protein, collagen and MCT oil.

Eating habits: The benefits of protein  

Taking a shake is an easy way to get protein, which has plenty of benefits for us: 

  • Protein increases muscle mass 
  • Improve physical performance 
  • Control appetite and weight
  • Proteins help slow sugar absorption to prevent your blood sugar levels from dropping too quickly, and keep them at an adequate level until your next food intake

Eating habits: The benefits of collagen

  • Improved pain associated with osteoarthritis; mobility of joints affected by this condition is also improved
  • Collagen is the body's main protein: it's everywhere, in your bones, your intestines, your teeth and your muscles.
  • As we age, our bodies produce less and less collagen, and our skin loses moisture and firmness. 
  • With age, skin loses its tone, becomes more fragile, ages and wrinkles.
  • We lose 50% of our collagen production after age 50

Eating habits: the benefits of MCT oil

  • MCT oil is an excellent source of fatty acids. It can help you lose weight and promote digestive health. 
  • For example, it increases energy and improves digestive function. These oils contain medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), fatty acids that are hard to find in our conventional Western diet. Those seeking to increase their fatty acid intake should add MCT oil to their diet. 
  • Some people believe that MCT oil helps people lose weight. This is due to the positive effects of these acids on metabolism. As they are easy to digest and absorb, the body burns them as a source of energy rather than storing them as fat. 
  • MCT oil also provides antioxidant protection, which reduces the risk of regaining weight.
  • Fatty acids play an important role in the brain. To keep the brain sharp and alert, the body needs fatty acids
  • MCT oil is also beneficial for digestion and stomach problems, as it helps balance intestinal bacteria 
  • It helps promote the absorption of other vitamins and minerals, which is essential for digestive health. It is especially powerful when combined with digestive supplements such as probiotics.

Recommended products

- Whey Protein + Collagen & MCT Natural Vanilla

- Whey Protein + Collagen & MCT Natural Chocolate


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