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104.7 FM Health Capsule: Preventing and Fighting Respiratory Infections

by La Boite à Grains 05 Jun 2024 0 comments

How do you treat respiratory infections while boosting the immune system? Our naturopath Renée Jean shares her tips and tells us more about the Drastix tincture from Quebec company Clef des Champs.

Which plants can prevent and fight respiratory infections?

Clef des Champs Drastix tincture is formulated with several plants known for their antiviral and antiseptic properties.


Known for its ability to tone the immune response, its action on hyaluronic acid is well documented. This mechanism explains its short- and medium-term effect on the immune response and promotes the natural barriers present in tissues. Echinacea is used for all types of infection, whether viral or bacterial.


The main player in this blend. It acts directly on tissues, as a bactericide and antiviral, as an antimicrobial plant and as a blood and mucous membrane tonic. Its main constituents are alkaloids, responsible for its bitterness and bactericidal, antimicrobial and antifungal action.


An antiseptic, antifungal and bactericidal plant, myrrh works on tissues, reducing secretions and promoting their expulsion from the respiratory tract.


Antibiotic and anti-inflammatory, propolis supports the action of the other plants with its antibacterial and antiseptic properties. 

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