Natural solutions for better intestinal transit
Intestinal transit is the last stage of digestion after food has made the long journey from the mouth to the stomach, the small intestine, the colon and finally the rectum and anus.
If, during this long digestive passage, there are signs of discomfort such as gas, flatulence or bloating, this indicates that intestinal transit will be disrupted. But more than that, the condition of your mouth, the health of your gums and your breath are also very good indicators of the state of your digestive health..1, 4, 5, 6, 7
Let's talk about digestion
Did you know that digestion begins in the mouth with chewing? Saliva contains enzymesamylase, which begins the digestion of carbohydrates. This starch (bread, pasta, potatoes) is transformed into glucose.
This food bolus is then sent to the stomach, a highly acidic organ (hydrochloric acid), for the production of enzymes (gastrin, pepsin). These gastric juices enable the digestion of proteins, making these nutrients available to the digestive tract..1, 4, 6, 7
Liver function is essential for good digestion
The liver's function is to produce bile, which is essential for digesting fats, absorbing lipids and eliminating cholesterol and toxins.
Bile also moisturizes the mucous membranes of the intestine, helping to ensure proper evacuation of stool..1, 6
Healthy intestinal flora
At the intestinal and colonic stages, intestinal flora plays multiple roles. When it is well balanced, it limits the development of pathogenic bacteria by taking up space.
A healthy flora enables the development of certain B-group vitamins, including B8 (biotin) and, in smaller but significant quantities, B12, which must pass through the saliva and stomach. What's more, our digestive system produces large quantities of K2 (a fat-soluble vitamin) from the plants we eat..1, 2, 10
Digestive system (intestine) or microbiota
The microbiota is a collection of micro-organisms (bacteria, yeasts, fungi) that inhabit our intestines. There are some 160 species of bacteria, and 10,000 billion symbiotic micro-organisms adhering to the intestinal mucosa of an adult. These micro-organisms help us digest our food, assimilate various nutrients and play an important role in modulating our immune system..1, 2
Our intestinal microbiota is a complex organ that plays an important role in our body. It influences our digestion, our immune system, our mood, etc.
Intestinal transit
Many factors influence the rhythm of our intestinal transit:
- diet: fiber intake (soluble and insoluble fibers)
- water consumption
- Physical exercise
- Stress
- Slow metabolism
- Hormones: (i.e. premenstrual syndrome, menopause, etc.)
Slow intestinal transit can lead to the proliferation of bad bacteria, resulting in bloating and gas..1, 2, 3, 4
Fermentation to promote intestinal health
Fermentation is known to aid digestion, increase nutrient richness and enzyme content, and strengthen the microbiota and immune system..2, 3
Examples of fermented food sources: kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha and yogurt are fermented foods containing live cultures (probiotics), which help to increase the diversity of the intestinal microbiota..2, 3
A few words on the functions of probiotics
- Restore microbiota balance
- Strengthen the immune system
- Promotes assimilation of certain minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc) and vitamins (B-complex, K2)
- Facilitates communication between the intestine and certain brain neurotransmitters
- Participate in the production of anti-inflammatory substances
The role of prebiotics
Prebiotics are fibers (from certain sugars) found in whole grains (oats, barley, rye), fruits (berries), vegetables (artichokes, asparagus, garlic, onions) and roots (chicory, Jerusalem artichokes). All help to nourish and stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestine, while promoting a strong intestinal barrier..2, 3, 4
Prebiotics work with probiotics. Together, they help improve intestinal transit and regularity.
In a nutshell, a rich, diversified diet comprising a variety of foods, including certain fermented foods provide probiotics and prebiotics, in addition to filling our nutritional needs and support a healthy functioning of immune system, promotes good health of intestinal microbiota.
Fermenting food has existed since the dawn of time, and humans have learned to master this transformation because of its many benefits.2, 3, 4
Natural solutions for better intestinal transit: Votre Flore Régénérante by Living Alchemy
For the company Living Alchemyall food is made better and more powerful through fermentation, as it starts a life process that transforms and enhances the active substances in its range of living plants. Millions of years of a plant's nutrients and active ingredients can be used as natural medicine. 3
The potential benefits of fermentation-activated plants:
- Complete bioavailability
- Increase in key therapeutic nutrients
- Benefit from essential enzymes
- All in a single living plant
The proven benefits of Living Alchemy's powerful formulas
They provide bioavailable vitamins and minerals, prebiotics (fiber), probiotics, beta glucans (immune system support), peptides (proteins), short-chain fatty acids, nucleotides, polyphenols (antioxidants), enzymes and more. 3
A final step, cold freeze-drying (dehydration), is important to maintain all this activated life (microorganisms) and nutrients. Let's not forget that plants are organic and derived from a natural source.eof a long, traditional fermentation process. All made in small batches. 3
And more, product encapsulation to preserve all that life. 3
Your Living Alchemy Regenerating Flora
The product Your Regenerating Flora combines a kombucha/kefir culture, composed of 45 diversified strains of micro-organisms (yeasts and bacteria) from plants targeted for therapeutic purposes. 3
In Your Regenerating Floraincludes organic artichoke and chicory.
A blend of therapeutic plants:
- Artichoke stimulates the gastric secretions needed to digest proteins. Its action on the liver is immediate, as it stimulates the production of bile (choleretic), which has a positive impact on activating intestinal transit. Artichoke is also one of the plants used as a source of prebiotics. 3, 8
- Chicory is a plant that acts on the liver. It stimulates bile production (choleretic) and circulation (cholagogue).
- Inulin belongs to the fructo-oligosaccharide family, which is a dietary fiber. Chicory has prebiotic properties. It promotes healthy colon flora. It improves intestinal transit. 3, 9
In conclusion, Your Regenerating Flora :
- Promotes intestinal health
- Promotes peristaltic movement during constipations
- Supports liver function (hepatic)
- In post-antibiotics and infections3
Thanks to natural solutions, regain good intestinal transit!
About the author
Marie Couture, Certified Naturopath
Specialized in :
- Digestive disorders
- Inflammation
- Hormonal problems
- Stress management
References :
- Joyeux Pr. Henri and Joyeux Jean, Manger mieux et meilleur de 0 à 100 ans, Éditions du Rocher, 2017, 326 pages
- Turcotte Anne, Sept. 13, 2022, All about probiotics and prebioticsHealth Week,
Products recommended in this article
- From 47.99$
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- Price per unit
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60 capsules
120 capsules
Bonjour Huguette,
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Ceci n’est pas un commentaire mais une information. J’ai un problème à faire fonctionner mon intestin régulièrement et normalement surtout depuis une opération pour un cancer d’intestin. Que me suggérez-vous pour aider à régulariser mon intestin plus normalement? Si je mange un fruit cru surtout, je ne peux contrôler un écoulement de mon intestin bien involontaire. J’apprécierais avoir un conseil si possible. Merci à l’avance!