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Demystifying probiotics - Uses and benefits

by Naturopathes de La Boite à Grains 25 Apr 2024
Démystifier les probiotiques – Utilisations et bienfaits - La Boite à Grains

The world of probiotics is booming. Several scientific studies validate their benefits and many health professionals recommend their use. As a result, the shelves of health food stores and pharmacies are full of them.

This article aims to demystify the world of probiotics so that you can make an informed choice.

What is a probiotic?

A probiotic is a bacterium that provides beneficial effects to our body and our health when ingested.

As described by the World Health Organization (WHO):

"A probiotic is a living microorganism that, when ingested in sufficient quantity, produces beneficial effects on the health of the person who consumes it ». 

Benefits of probiotics

To date, several studies have shown that taking probiotics through food and/or supplements can prevent or even reverse certain health problems. This phenomenon is closely linked to the beneficial effect of probiotics on the intestinal flora, commonly called the microbiota (What is the microbiota?)

When the intestinal flora is in balance, many conditions are prevented and improved. In case of imbalance, the host can experience a series of pathologies, which can be addressed by taking probiotics.

Uses of probiotics

Probiotics are mainly used to support the microbial flora (oral, intestinal and vaginal) and the immune system. Thus, taking probiotics contributes to :

Digestive health By reducing intestinal bloating, chronic diarrhea and/or traveler's diarrhea, constipation, gastroenteritis, instinctive ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis with or without H. Pilori infection.1,2,3,4,5,6,7

According to some preliminary research in progress, taking probiotics could also relieve Chron's disease and diverticulitis.

Decreasing chronic inflammation: By reducing the inflammatory process associated with pain, arthritis and rheumatism8;

Immune health By strengthening immunity, resulting in a decrease in the incidence of flu, colds, allergies, food intolerances and autoimmune disorders8,9,10;

Improving skin disorders By alleviating acne, rosacea, eczema and psoriasis11;

Vaginal health Maintaining an optimal vaginal pH resulting in a decrease in vaginal candidiasis and vaginitis12;

Oral health Maintaining oral flora, preventing tooth decay and gingivitis13,14;  

Mental health: By promoting the synthesis of neurotransmitters, decreasing symptoms of depression and anxiety15;

Infant health : By fortifying digestive flora, reducing allergies, colic and eczema;

Reducing the risk of infection: Especially related to Salmonella4 and/or C. Difficile16

How to choose a probiotic?

All probiotics are different since they are derived from unique strains. Therefore, to choose a quality product, make sure it meets certain quality criteria.

First of all, the product must have an NPN number. The number product number natural (NPN) is a number provided by Health Canada that certifies that the product is safe, of high quality and subject to current regulations.

In addition, the label of any quality probiotic must mention the genus, species and strain of the product. For example, a jar of Bio-K+ probiotics may read:  Lactobacillus (genus), acidophilus (species), CL1285MD (strain).

Finally, the product must also indicate the number of colony forming units (CFU). These are normally between 1 billion and 100,000 billion. The higher the CFU number, the greater the quantity of living strains.

Why choose Bio-K +

Bio-K+ is a Quebec-based company that has patented a blend of three specific probiotic strains. These have been clinically proven to have a measurable and beneficial synergistic effect on the host. These strains can, among other things, fight pathogenic (harmful) bacteria such as C. Difficile and E. Coli17.

In addition, the strains contained in the Bio-K+ products products help maintain an optimal intestinal pH level that promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria17.

The ready-to-drink jars of Bio-K+ ready-to-drink jars can be consumed as is or incorporated into smoothies, yogurts or ice cream recipes like these probiotic yogurt bars.

Recommended dosage

For acute digestive problems or to counteract the side effects of antibiotics, Bio-K+ recommends consuming one drink per day. For mild issues, consume ½ jar per day. For simple maintenance and to maintain optimal health, consume ¼ jar per day17.


Here's to your probiotics!

Véronique Cousineau; ND, RHN



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