Ortie bienfaits : une plante aux vertus anti-inflammatoires – La Boite à Grains
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The Nettle and its Therapeutic Benefits

by Naturopathes de La Boite à Grains 10 Feb 2025
L'Ortie et ses Bienfaits Thérapeutiques - La Boite à Grains


Urtica dioica... It is a local perennial plant that offers many therapeutic effects. Among these are the relief of hay fever and detoxification of the body.

This is why nettle is widely used in the springtime, when the melting snow gives way to seasonal allergies and the body is ready to detoxify.

Learn more about nettle, a local medicinal plant, and see how you can incorporate it into your natural medicine this spring, and even at any time!

Nettle: Plant Overview

Nettle has been used for thousands of years wherever it is found and has therapeutic, utilitarian and nutritional properties. Sometimes used as a botanical remedy, other times as a weaving material or to make soups, nettle is a fascinating and versatile plant.

In the West, nettle is probably the best known and most widely used medicinal plant. With little or no side effects, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified nettle as a safe herb.1, 7 This is why so many people benefit from mastering its use.

Nettle: Therapeutic Uses

Nettle leaves contain many phytochemicals with therapeutic properties. Some of the benefits associated with the leaves of the plant include:

DiureticDiuretic: Nettle increases the volume of urinary secretions. This effect relieves the urinary tract by irrigating the kidneys, bladder and the entire urinary tract. This effect is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO). Because of its diuretic effect, nettle relieves water retention associated with premenstrual syndrome and cellulite.1, 2

Anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic Nettle leaves are effective against rheumatic pain. A German study has shown that anti-inflammatory components present in nettle combat joint inflammation. This is why nettle is used in treatment protocols for rheumatism and osteoarthritis.3

Nutritional tonic Nettle is one of the so-called nourishing plants. Nettle is considered a hybrid of botanical medicine and food. Rich in iron, nettle is also a good source of protein (40% of the weight of dried leaves).4, 6

Remineralizing Nettle is very rich in minerals and trace elements. Its contribution in magnesium, calcium, iron, boron, chromium, copper, manganese, potassium, and zinc is fortifying for the body. It is for this reason that nettle promotes hair growth. The remineralization of the body by nettle infusions is also a good way to counteract dehydration. 1

Treatment for gout Nettle: Thanks to its diuretic and anti-inflammatory effects, nettle accelerates the dissolution of uric acid crystals that form in people with gout. According to the herbalist and physician Rudolph Fritz Weiss, the prolonged use of nettle relieves the pain associated with gout. 1, 5

Hypotensive In Germany, where herbal healing is common practice, doctors prescribe nettle to treat high blood pressure. Nettle is well tolerated by the body and does not cause the side effects associated with pharmaceutical diuretics. 1

Relief of hay fever A study conducted in National College of Naturopathic Medicine has shown that dried nettle leaves relieve hay fever symptoms. In addition, many clinicians feel that nettle should be given a prominent place in the recommendation of hay fever remedies. 8,9

Detoxification The depurative action of the nettle confers detoxifying and purifying properties to him. Thanks to its depurative effect, the nettle proves to be very beneficial for the affectations of the skin, of which the eczema.4

Pregnancy and childbirth Pregnancy and childbirth: Some traditional herbalists recommend nettle infusions to nourish the fetus and facilitate childbirth. In post-natal, nettle is used as an anti-hemorrhagic and as a galactagogue to increase the production of breast milk. 1

Stability of energyDue to its remineralizing and adaptogenic actions, nettle is often used as a tonic in cases of fatigue and exhaustion. Remineralization of the body also helps to alleviate stress and overlying anxiety.

Nettle: 3 ways to consume it for therapeutic effects

In Quebec, the agricultural producer Clef des Champs grows organic nettle on its vast, wild and remote gardens. After harvest, the plants are dried and/or processed using traditional methods. The Clef des Champs proposes to consume nettle in one of the following therapeutic forms:

Nettle infusion

The infusion is a soft way to consume the nettle leaves internally. It is a method that is suitable for just about everyone: children, the elderly, the very sick, convalescents, pregnant or nursing women.

Dried nettle capsules

Once the nettle leaves are dried and dehydrated, they are encapsulated in a vegetable coating that promotes the release of beneficial properties in the body. Each nettle capsule of La Clef des Champs has the advantage of containing 290mg ofurtica dioica, which in a single dose, confers therapeutic properties.

Mother tincture of nettle

The nettle tincture of Clef des Champs is a highly concentrated organic formula. The maceration of medicinal plants in a solvent allows to potentiate the therapeutic effects. This is why the nettle mother tincture is used to obtain rapid and direct therapeutic effects.

This spring, opt for herbalism and choose to include nettle in your natural health care. Also, learn more about the medicinal plants to incorporate this spring by participating in one of our store tours.

Happy spring!

The team at La Boite à Grains


Research and writing :

Véronique Cousineau, certified naturopath and health and wellness writer


  1. Michal Castelman. Medical advisor: Dr. Sheldon S. H, PhD, Biochemistry. 1991. Plants that heal. Nettle (pages 329- 333). Rodale Publishing. USA

 2. Teaching team of the DUMENAT Phytotherapy, Faculty of Medicine Paris-XIII, Bobigny (2003). Stinging nettle. Urtica dioïca. Les médecines de la nature - 200 plantes pour se soigner. (Adapted from La Santé par les plantes). (p. 173). Canada, Montreal: Reader's Digest selection. P.

  1. Arthritis Foundation. Stinging Nettle urtica dioica. Retrieved March 31, 2019
  2. The School of Evolutionary Herbalism. Materia Medica Volume 2. Nettle, urtica dioica
  3. Dr. Marisa Marciano, ND. Urtica dioica. The Naturopathic herbalist.
  4. François Couplan, Dégustez les plantes sauvages, Editions Ellebore, 2007, p. 230.
  5. A comprehensive review on nettle effect and efficacy profiles, Part I: herba urticae. Chrubasik JE, Roufogalis BD, et al. Phytomedicine. 2007 Jun;14(6):423-35. Review.
  6. Mittman P. Randomized, double-blind study of freeze-dried Urtica dioica in the treatment of allergic rhinitis.Planta Med 1990 Feb;56(1):44-7.
  7. Thornhill SM, Kelly AM. Natural treatment of perennial allergic rhinitis.Altern Med Rev 2000 Oct;5(5):448-54.

La Boite à Grains

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