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Stéphanie's favorite

by La Boite à Grains 03 Jul 2024 0 comments
Le coup de cœur de Stéphanie - La Boite à Grains

We are not allowed to make any mistakes with the numbers today, but there is no doubt that after checking, Stéphanie spent almost 10 years in the accounting department of La Boite à Grains. Controller is a rigorous job, and Stephanie has taken on this mission with talent and determination. Appreciated for her kindness and professionalism, she is someone you can count on. "La Boite à GrainsThe team is like a family, we are there for each other, the atmosphere is great..

Stéphanie presents us her favorite, the So Delicious salted caramel ice cream bars.

Why So Delicious ice cream bars?

Since I was introduced to So Delicious Salted Caramel Cashew bars, I've been buying a box a week! I have an intolerance to milk and dairy products and miss many of the products.

I have rediscovered the pleasure of eating ice cream with this product. The texture is much creamier than other vegan bars. And the salted caramel adds a sweet and salty taste that I love in all types of snacks.

And it's well balanced, in the sense that you can eat two ice cream bars in a row without your heart rising. It's just the right amount of sweetness.

Is this product only for people who are intolerant to dairy products?

It is for everyone, and I can confirm this with my personal experience. I have people around me who can consume dairy products, and they love So Delicious bars. The box never lasts long!

Let's talk about nutrition. What is a healthy diet for you?

I've always been close to healthy eating from a young age, focusing on unprocessed foods as much as possible. Especially when I train, I try to eat less processed meat, vegetables and starches. For pasta, for example, I will select pasta made from whole grains.

Working out at La Boite à Grains has opened the door to new products, expanding my knowledge. I've learned to use tofu more frequently, PVT, and to add more taste and flavor to my healthy diet.

Do you have a favorite meal of the day?

I would have to say dinner, because I have more time to cook and prepare good hot food. I eat a lot of chicken dishes, it's a good source of protein.

Do you have any healthy habits to share?

I take supplements on a daily basis: antioxidants, multi minerals and probiotics. Probiotics, for example, have helped me a lot with my stomach aches, even before I knew I had a dairy intolerance.

I do kickboxing twice a week. It really helps me deal with my stress and all the frustrations of everyday life. Kickboxing allows me to push myself to my limits, it's a demanding class. And it seems that after a class, the frustrations go away and I can go back to my other activities more serenely. I am much more relaxed!

Thank you Stéphanie for sharing your favorite class with us!

 Stéphanie's favorite La Boite à Grains

So Delicious Cashew Ice Cream Bars

So Delicious specializes in dairy-free products, with the goal of offering tasty and delicious products. The cashew-based ice cream bars, with salted caramel and chocolate coating, are the perfect answer to this ambition.

Discover them in store and learn more here.


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