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Monica's favorite

by La Boite à Grains 09 Apr 2024 0 comments
Le coup de cœur de Monica - La Boite à Grains

Monica joined the marketing and communications team at La Boite à Grains in the summer of 2021. With several strings to her bow, she is responsible for coordinating a number of projects, from the Flyer to social media. With her professionalism, kindness and smile, she quickly won everyone over. «La Boite à Grains has great values, and I find it stimulating to help a local SME grow".

Today, Monica presents two favorites for the price of one, with Tout Cru! kimchi and Organika electrolyte powder.

Interview with Monica

Why Tout Cru! spicy Nappa kimchi?

I've always enjoyed kimchi, but even more so since I discovered the Tout Cru! company's kimchi at La Boite à Grains. I buy it all the time!

It's fresh, crunchy, rich in flavour, and I can see the benefits for my digestion. It's just the right amount of spice, which gives my meals a real kick.

I use it in a number of Asian-inspired recipes, such as bibimbap, ramen or fried rice. Or sometimes in the morning, to accompany my egg and avocado toast.

What about Organika electrolyte powder?

This powder mix also contains collagen, which is good for the skin. It's slightly fizzy and has a pleasantly sweet taste. I take it with water before or after skiing or running, and on an almost daily basis to stay well hydrated and enjoy all its benefits.

Let's talk about healthy eating. What does it mean to you?

I'd say it's becoming increasingly important. The older we get, the more we realize the role quality food plays in our energy. I like to prepare my own meals, and make sure they're varied. For fruit and vegetables, meat and all the ingredients I use, I always give priority to local and Quebec products whenever possible.

Do you have a favorite meal of the day?

Supper, because I have time to prepare good, comforting dishes. Right now, it's often soups, playing with flavors and seasonal vegetables. I also make my own homemade broth. And then, as I've already mentioned, a lot of Asian-inspired dishes, like bibimbap or pad thai.

Do you have any healthy habits to share?

In winter, after work, I like to go cross-country skiing, and in summer, running. It's a good transition for the rest of the day, and helps you relax!

Thank you Monica for sharing your favorite food with us!

Don't hesitate to say hello to Monica if you're lucky enough to bump into her on your next visit to one of our branches. 😊

 Monica's favorite - La Boite à Grains

Tout Cru organic spicy Nappa kimchi!

Kimchi lovers will be seduced by the Spicy Nappa Kimchi from Quebec-based Tout Cru! Rich in flavor, it's made with 100% local, organic ingredients.

Discover the selection of Tout Cru! kimchi in store and on the web. learn more here.

Electrolytes + Enhanced Collagen by Organika

By combining electrolytes and collagenOrganika offers you the perfect blend to hydrate your body and care for your skin. Ideal during or after a workout, or at any time of day to avoid a slump.

Find out more about Electrolytes + Enhanced Collagen in-store and at learn more here.


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