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Capsule Santé 104.7 FM: Nutrients for Good Health

by La Boite à Grains 05 Jun 2024 0 comments

Good nutrition is the key to optimal health. Our naturopath Renée Jean gives you her tips and advice, and shares a recipe for a functional cocktail.

Nutrients for good health: a few examples

It's important to include a number of functional foods in your daily diet, as these will have a direct impact on the proper functioning of your body and your good health. 

Moringa and maca are excellent examples of functional plants to consider. Available in powder form, they can be easily incorporated into your smoothies, pancakes and beverages.

For optimal digestive health, probiotics play an important role. Eat kefir, yoghurt, yoghurt powder and probiotics. miso or kombucha to benefit from their beneficial effects.

Finally, a good protein intake is essential. You can opt for protein-rich snack bars, or include a scoop of protein powder in your morning smoothie.

Nutrients for good health: recommended products

- Maca from Junín Inka Nature

- Nia Pure Nature organic moringa powder

- Organic Camu Camu powder Inka Nature

- Biotta vegetable juices

- Lakanto monk fruit

- Our selection of kefirs

- Our selection of kombuchas


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