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Vegan Pad Thaï with Tofu and Cashew Nuts

by Valérie Gendron-Legault 05 Jun 2024
Pad Thaï Végétalien au Tofu et Noix de Cajou - La Boite à Grains

Pad Thaï is an iconic Thai dish that explodes with flavor while keeping your bank account virtually intact. Here's a vegan and gluten-free version, an easy meal that's sure to please everyone! This version can easily be made on a glamping site, making it the ideal meal for families or lovers. 

Substituting white rice pasta for the whole-grain version adds plenty of fiber to the recipe. Kale, onion, garlic, carrot and chilli add to the nutritional value of the meal. For its part extra-firm tofu is ideal for stir-fries. Low in fat and a good source of protein, it is gluten-free. This product has the advantage of not requiring refrigeration before opening, making it ideal for an easy outdoor meal! What's more, it's non-GMO and preservative-free.

Interested in the benefits of a gluten-free diet? See our dedicated blog post for tips and advice. 

    Ingredients for Vegan Pad Thaï with tofu and cashew nuts

    vegan pad thai with tofu and cashews

    Sauce (if used in glamping, see tips and tricks section)

    Pasta and vegetables  


    • 1 lime, quartered (a must!)
    • 1/2 cup of cashews, chopped
    • Fresh coriander and/or basil, to taste (a must!)
    • Crushed red pepper flakes (optional) 

    Culinary tools 

    • Medium saucepan
    • Large saucepan
    • Bowls
    • Cutting board
    • Tongs
    • Utility knife
    • Scissors 

    Instructions for Vegan Pad Thaï with tofu and cashew nuts

    vegan pad thai with tofu and cashew nuts

    • Combine all sauce ingredients in a small Masson jar (or airtight Tupperware dish). Put the lid on and shake for a few seconds. 
    • In a medium saucepan, bring about 6 cups of water to the boil. Place pasta in pot of boiling water. Cook according to package directions (usually 3-5 minutes), stirring occasionally to prevent sticking. Once cooked, drain with the lid. Rinse with cold (or lukewarm) water to stop cooking. Set aside to cool. 
    • On a cutting board, blot tofu with a clean dishcloth or paper towel. Cut tofu block into 3/4-inch cubes. Season tofu cubes with salt and pepper. 
    • On the same board, thinly slice the onion and mince the garlic. Set aside in a small bowl. Now cut the red pepper, nappa cabbage and carrot into julienne strips about 2 inches long. Set aside in a medium bowl. Slice the green part of the scallions into pieces about 1 inch long. Set aside on the board. 
    • Heat a saucepan over medium-high heat on a baking sheet. When the pan is hot, add 3 tbsp. raw organic coconut oil and sauté the tofu cubes. Cook for 5-7 minutes, turning with tongs until golden on all sides. 
    • Add the garlic and onion to the tofu pan. Cook for a further 3 minutes, stirring often. Add cabbage strips, carrots and red pepper. Cook for a further 5 minutes, or until the vegetables are cooked but still crunchy. 
    • To the saucepan, add the drained rice noodles, as much sauce as you like (shake well before adding) and the green onion pieces. Stir with tongs until the sauce is well integrated. 
    • Divide between your plates. Garnish generously with chopped cashews, lime juice and fresh herbs!

      Tips and tricks for vegan Pad Thaï with tofu and cashew nuts

      • For glamping, I strongly advise you to prepare the sauce in advance at home!
      • If desired, coat the tofu cubes in the arrowroot starch just before cooking 
      • For more information on coconut, visit our dedicated article 

      Substitutions for Vegan Pad Thaï with tofu and cashew nuts

      Enjoy your meal!

      Recipe creation: 

      Valérie Gendron-Legault


      La Boite à Grains

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